
Posts Tagged ‘kasambahay’

I’ve had a stream of kasambahays coming in and going out of our home for the past two years.  Some stayed for a month or two, a few weeks, a few days, and a few hours (would you believe?)   I welcomed and said goodbye to  2 Joys, 2 Jennifers, a Jean,  a Maricel, a Gina, an Inday and a Tata.  Except for one or two who left on their own accord, the remainder I sent off for various reasons.

Joy #1 poked her nose until it bled and ate too many bananas until she puked.  Unknowingly, I sent her to bed thinking she was sick.  She stayed in her room for several days while I labored in the kitchen.  At mealtimes, I sent food to her room.  Finally, I realized that she was just plain lazy  and so, I sent her off packing.

Joy #2 didn’t tell me that she was already 3-4 months pregnant when she worked for us.  She diligently scrubbed the floor in our living room, dining room and den EVERYDAY until it shone like a mirror!  When I learned of her condition a month later, I realized that her obsession with the scrub had something to do with the baby in her womb.

Gina wet her bed every night until her room stank.  Inday and Tata were like Siamese twins.  They didn’t want to separate while doing their individual household chores.  One stood guard while the other worked and vice versa.  I wondered, really really wondered why they had to guard each other.  Naturally they didn’t accomplish much.  Jean had scabies and lied through her teeth.  Jennifer #1 looked like my Papa’s girlfriend in his youth.  Mama kept giving her dagger looks.  Jennifer #2 wanted to be my Mama’s caregiver, not the house help.  When she didn’t get her way, she concocted a story of having to fly to Singapore (?!?) ASAP to care for her classmate’s grandmother.  After hearing that, I showed her the door.  The length of her stay?  A couple of hours.

There came a point when I turned down recommendations of friends because I decided I’d rather clean, cook, wash, keep house myself.  Anyway, I have a reliable stay-out kasambahay who reports thrice a week and a laundrywoman who does the ironing.  This arrangement lasted for a week or two.  Tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and grumpiness set in.  I had other things to do and deadlines to meet.  The younger children, my 2nd batch, had so many projects that needed a mother’s touch.  The husband needed a wife by his side at bedtime.  I needed time for myself.

I prepared myself anew for the vicious cycle of letting in and letting go.  However, God in His goodness, must have heard my prayers.  Lingling has been with us since April this year and I thank God for her.  She has her faults (but who hasn’t?)  However, her diligence and quiet ways tip the balance in her favor.  I’d be at a loss if she leaves.  This post wouldn’t have been possible without her presence in my life.  Thanks, Lingling.

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